Cancer Prevention Phases, Symptoms, Treatment Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:48:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cancer Prevention 32 32 How to Reduce the Risk of Cancer for your cat Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:48:06 +0000 Cancer is a devastating disease that can affect not only humans but also our feline friends. Cancer in

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Cancer is a devastating disease that can affect not only humans but also our feline friends. Cancer in cats is a type of abnormal cell growth that can occur in various parts of their bodies. It can be challenging to detect cancer in cats as they are experts at hiding signs of illness, and symptoms may not be apparent until the cancer has progressed. However, early detection is crucial for the successful treatment of cancer in cats. In this article, we will discuss the types, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer in cats, as well as how to cope with a cancer diagnosis in your feline friend. We hope to provide cat owners with valuable information and resources to help them detect and manage cancer in their beloved pets.

Cancer can affect various parts of a cat’s body and can be broadly classified into two categories: malignant and benign tumors. Malignant tumors are more aggressive and can spread to other parts of the body, while benign tumors are usually localized and do not spread.

Common types of cancer in cats

Common types of cancer in cats include lymphoma, mammary gland tumors, oral tumors, skin tumors, and bone tumors. Lymphoma is the most common type of cancer in cats, accounting for approximately 30% of all feline cancers. It is a cancer of the lymphatic system and can occur in various organs, such as the intestines, liver, and spleen.

– Mammary gland tumors are also prevalent in cats, particularly in unspayed females. These tumors can be benign or malignant and are most commonly found in the mammary glands of the cat’s belly.
– Oral tumors, such as squamous cell carcinoma, are relatively common in cats and can affect the gums, tongue, or roof of the mouth. These tumors can cause difficulty eating or drinking and can be painful.
– Skin tumors, such as mast cell tumors, are another type of cancer that can affect cats. These tumors can appear as lumps on the skin and can be itchy or painful.
– Bone tumors, such as osteosarcoma, are rare in cats but can occur in the limbs, spine, or skull. These tumors can cause lameness or difficulty moving and can be painful.

Symptoms and signs of each type of cancer vary depending on the location and severity of the tumor. In general, signs of cancer in cats can include weight loss, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and changes in behavior. It is essential to seek veterinary care if your cat exhibits any of these symptoms to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of Cancer in Cats

If you suspect that your cat has cancer, it is essential to seek veterinary care promptly. Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination of your cat and ask about their medical history, including any symptoms you have observed.

To confirm a diagnosis of cancer in cats, your veterinarian may recommend various diagnostic tests. These may include blood work to assess your cat’s overall health and to check for abnormalities that may suggest the presence of cancer. Imaging tests, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or CT scans, may be used to visualize the affected area and assess the extent of the cancer’s spread.

In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm a cancer diagnosis definitively. This involves taking a small sample of tissue from the tumor and examining it under a microscope. A biopsy can determine the type of cancer and its stage, which can guide treatment decisions.

Diagnosing cancer in cats can be challenging, and early detection is critical for successful treatment. If you notice any unusual symptoms or changes in your cat’s behavior, it is crucial to seek veterinary care promptly to ensure a timely diagnosis and treatment plan.

How to Reduce the Risk of Cancer for your cat

Reducing the risk of cancer in cats involves several preventive measures, including regular veterinary checkups, a healthy diet, and a safe living environment. You can also reduce your cat’s risk of developing cancer by limiting their exposure to environmental toxins, such as cigarette smoke and household chemicals. Additionally, providing your cat with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation can help keep them healthy and reduce stress levels, which can contribute to cancer development.

One effective way to keep your cat safe and healthy is by using a reliable cat tracking collar. These collars can help you keep track of your cat’s location, ensuring that they do not wander into dangerous or unfamiliar territories. This can reduce the risk of your cat being exposed to harmful toxins or encountering other animals that may pose a threat. By taking these preventive measures, you can help reduce the risk of cancer for your beloved feline companion and provide them with a happy and healthy life.

ALSO READ: 10 Ways Technology Is Making Cancer Treatment Better

Treatment of Cancer in Cats

Cancer is a serious disease that affects cats, and there are various treatment options available to help manage it. The most common treatments for feline cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Surgery involves removing the tumor or cancerous tissue from the cat’s body. This can be an effective treatment option if the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body. Chemotherapy involves administering drugs that target and kill rapidly dividing cancer cells. It may be used in combination with surgery or as a standalone treatment.

Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells. This treatment is often used when surgery is not an option, or when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Radiation therapy can also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy.

The best course of treatment for feline cancer will depend on several factors, including the type of cancer, its stage, and the cat’s overall health. A veterinarian will work closely with pet owners to develop a personalized treatment plan that provides the best possible outcome for their cat.

In conclusion, being aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer in cats is crucial for early detection and treatment. As with many diseases, early intervention can greatly improve the chances of a positive outcome. If your cat has been diagnosed with cancer, it’s important to remember that there are resources available to help you navigate this difficult time. Your veterinarian can provide guidance on treatment options and support throughout the process. With the right care and attention, many cats with cancer can continue to lead happy and fulfilling lives.”

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Coping with Cancer: Strategies for Living with the Disease Tue, 24 Jan 2023 13:39:31 +0000 Cancer is one of the most challenging and devastating diseases a person can face. It can cause physical,

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Cancer is one of the most challenging and devastating diseases a person can face. It can cause physical, emotional and psychological distress, and it can take its toll on family, friends and loved ones. But with the right coping strategies, it is possible to live with cancer and maintain a positive outlook.

The first step in coping with cancer is to make sure you have the right support system. This means reaching out to your family, friends, and healthcare professionals for emotional and practical support. It’s also important to keep open lines of communication with your healthcare team, so that you understand your diagnosis and treatment options.

In addition to seeking out professional help, there are many strategies you can use to cope with cancer. One of the most important is to stay active and involved in life. Exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood and promote overall wellbeing. Additionally, staying connected with family and friends can help you stay positive and give you a sense of normalcy.

It’s also important to take care of yourself emotionally. Make sure to take time for yourself and do activities that bring you joy. Give yourself permission to cry when necessary, but also allow yourself moments of laughter and joy. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings to those close to you – it can help you feel less alone and more connected.

It can also be helpful to practice mindfulness or meditation. This can be a great way to find peace, quiet your mind and take some time for yourself each day. You may also want to explore complementary therapies such as art or music therapy, massage or yoga. These activities can help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as promote relaxation.

Finally, it’s important to keep a positive attitude. Remind yourself that you are strong and that you can get through this difficult time. Focus on the things that bring you joy, and remind yourself of all the wonderful things in life that you have to be thankful for.

No one should have to go through cancer alone – it’s important to reach out for help and support when needed. With the right coping strategies, you can live with cancer while maintaining a positive outlook on life.

Understanding the Different Types of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is caused by abnormal cells that grow and spread uncontrollably, invading healthy tissue and organs. Although there are many types of cancer, they all have one thing in common – they can be life-threatening if not treated properly. Therefore, it is important to understand the different types of cancer, their causes and treatments.

The most common type of cancer is carcinoma, which develops in the epithelial cells that line the surface of organs such as the lungs, breasts, and skin. Carcinoma can be further divided into two categories: non-invasive and invasive. Non-invasive carcinomas remain confined to the surface layer of the organ, while invasive carcinomas penetrate deeper into the organ and spread to other parts of the body. Treatment for carcinoma typically includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Leukemia is another type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. It is caused by an uncontrolled growth of white blood cells in the body, which can lead to anemia, fatigue, and infections. Treatment for leukemia includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and bone marrow transplants.

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels and glands responsible for carrying fluid throughout the body. It is often caused by an overgrowth of B-cells or T-cells in the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Treatment typically includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy.

Sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in connective tissue such as muscle, fat, cartilage, bone, or nerve cells. Treatment usually involves surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in the melanocytes, which are cells responsible for producing melanin, a pigment responsible for skin color. Treatment typically includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Brain tumors are also classified as a type of cancer. They can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Treatment typically involves surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible, followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Finally, there are several rarer types of cancer such as Kaposi’s sarcoma and multiple myeloma. Treatment for these cancers usually involves a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted drug therapies.

In conclusion, there are many different types of cancer with different causes and treatments. It is important to understand these different types in order to know how to diagnose and treat them effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about cancer, it is best to speak with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Exploring Treatment Options for Living with Cancer

When it comes to living with cancer, exploring treatment options is an important step for anyone who has been diagnosed with this serious illness. It is important to understand that there are many different treatments available, and it is up to the individual to decide which is right for them.

The first step in exploring treatment options is to talk to your doctor or healthcare team. They can provide you with information about the different types of treatments available and help you decide which one is best for you. This is also a good time to ask questions and make sure you understand all the details.

Another way to explore treatment options is to research online. There are many websites that provide information about different types of cancer treatments, as well as support groups and other resources. It can also be helpful to talk to people who have already gone through a similar experience, such as family members or friends. This can give you a better understanding of what to expect and help you make informed decisions.

It is also important to consider your lifestyle when exploring treatment options. This includes your diet, exercise routine, stress level, and any other factors that could affect your health. Your doctor or healthcare team can help you make changes that may improve your overall health and help you manage the side effects of treatment.

Finally, it is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to living with cancer. Different treatments may work better for different people, so it is important to take the time to explore all of your options and make sure you are making the best decision for you.

No matter what treatment option you choose, it is important to remember that there is hope. With the right support, lifestyle changes, and medical care, it is possible to live a full life with cancer. Taking the time to explore your options and make an informed decision can help you get the most out of your treatment plan.

Finding Support and Resources for Cancer Patients

Cancer is a devastating diagnosis that can have a profound effect on the life of a patient and their loved ones. It is important to understand that support and resources are available to help manage the physical, emotional, and financial challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. Finding the right support and resources for each individual can make a world of difference in the patient’s quality of life.

The first step in finding support and resources for cancer patients is talking to your doctor. Your doctor can provide you with information about local support groups, as well as refer you to other specialists or organizations that can provide additional support. Many hospitals and cancer centers have dedicated cancer support services that can provide individual counseling, group therapy, educational programs, and much more.

For those who are not able to access local services, there are many national organizations that offer support and resources to cancer patients. The American Cancer Society, for example, provides a variety of services, including financial assistance, rides to treatments, and emotional support. Organizations such as the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society provide financial assistance to patients and their families to help pay for medical expenses. Additionally, there are numerous online support groups and websites dedicated to helping cancer patients find the resources they need.

In addition to medical support, there are many organizations dedicated to providing emotional and spiritual support for cancer patients. Faith-based organizations often provide spiritual counseling and prayer services for those struggling with the emotional side of cancer. There are also many national organizations such as Gilda’s Club that offer free emotional support to cancer patients.

Finally, it is important to remember that there are many financial resources available to help cancer patients pay for treatments and medications. The National Cancer Institute provides information on financial assistance programs, grants, loans, and other resources. Additionally, many pharmaceutical companies offer patient assistance programs that provide free or reduced-cost medications to those who qualify.

Finding the right support and resources for cancer patients can be a difficult task. However, with the right guidance and help from medical professionals, family members, and other organizations, patients can find the resources they need to manage their diagnosis and improve their quality of life.

Developing a Positive Mindset for Living with Cancer

Living with cancer can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. It can take an emotional and physical toll on you and your loved ones. However, it is possible to develop a positive mindset and approach to living with cancer. By taking the right steps, you can find ways to cope with the disease, stay positive, and continue living your life.

The first step in developing a positive mindset for living with cancer is to understand that you are not alone. There are many other people out there who are going through the same thing as you. Knowing that you are not the only one dealing with this can help to provide comfort and hope. It is also important to remember that you are still in control of your own life and decisions. You may have to make adjustments and changes, but ultimately, it is up to you to decide how you want to live.

Another important step in developing a positive mindset for living with cancer is to focus on the things that you can control. You may not be able to control the disease itself, but you can control how you respond to it. Focus on taking good care of yourself by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest. This will help to keep your body strong and healthy and will help you to maintain a positive attitude.

It is also important to find ways to stay connected with those around you. Connecting with family, friends, and support groups can provide a sense of community and comfort during this difficult time. It can also help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Connecting with others who are going through the same thing can also provide valuable insight into how they manage their illness and cope with the challenges that come along with it.

In addition to finding ways to stay connected with others, it is also important to take some time for yourself. Taking time for yourself can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as provide a much needed break from the daily challenges of living with cancer. Find activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading a book, listening to music, or taking a walk outside. Taking some time for yourself can help you stay positive and focused on your goals.

Finally, make sure that you stay informed about your condition. Stay up-to-date on the latest treatments, research, and available resources so that you can make informed decisions about your care. This will also help you feel more in control of your situation and give you a sense of empowerment.

Living with cancer can be a challenging experience, but it is possible to develop a positive mindset and approach to living with the disease. By understanding that you are not alone, focusing on what you can control, staying connected with those around you, taking time for yourself, and staying informed about your condition, you can find ways to cope with the illness and continue living your life in a positive way.

Adjusting to Life After Treatment for Cancer

Adjusting to life after treatment for cancer can be a difficult and challenging process. The effects of cancer treatment can be far-reaching and long-lasting, affecting physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. Adjustment to life after treatment is a process that takes time, patience and understanding. It is important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique and different, and that it may take longer for some than others.

Adjusting to life after treatment can involve a variety of challenges, such as coming to terms with physical changes, adjusting to financial or work-related changes, and coping with the psychological effects of cancer. It is important to be aware of these potential challenges and to seek help when needed.

One of the first steps in adjusting to life after treatment is to accept the changes that have occurred. This can include physical changes such as hair loss or weight gain, as well as changes in energy levels or fatigue. It is important to acknowledge and accept these changes as part of the healing process. Additionally, it may be helpful to talk to a counselor or therapist about any emotional or psychological issues that may arise.

It is also important to focus on creating healthy habits and routines that will help promote wellness. This can include maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting plenty of rest, and practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. These activities can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, boost mood, and restore a sense of control.

Adjusting to life after treatment also involves setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself. It is important to remember that recovery takes time and not to expect too much too soon. Additionally, it is important to reach out for support if needed. There are many support groups available both online and in-person that can provide valuable resources and emotional support.

Finally, it is important to find ways to enjoy life after treatment for cancer. This may include engaging in activities that bring joy or relaxation, such as painting, music, reading, or spending time outdoors. Taking time for self-care is essential for recovery and finding joy in life after cancer treatment.

Adjusting to life after treatment for cancer can be a difficult and challenging process. However, with patience, understanding, and self-care, it is possible to adjust and find joy in life again.

Recognizing the Benefits of Living with Cancer

Living with cancer is often portrayed in a negative light, but there can be many benefits to being diagnosed and living with the condition. Despite the fact that it is a serious and potentially life-threatening illness, recognizing the benefits of living with cancer can help to improve quality of life and wellbeing.

One of the biggest advantages of living with cancer is the opportunity for personal growth and development. Having a diagnosis can often be a wake-up call, prompting individuals to reassess their lives and goals. Being faced with the prospect of mortality can motivate people to make changes in their lives, such as focusing on meaningful relationships and pursuing personal passions. Additionally, being forced to take time off from work and other commitments can give people the opportunity to re-evaluate their priorities and reflect on what truly matters.

Living with cancer can also bring about a newfound appreciation for life. Facing a life-threatening illness can cause people to value every moment, savor simple pleasures, and live in the present. People who have been diagnosed with cancer often report feeling more grateful and connected to the world around them. This shift in perspective can bring about a newfound sense of joy and contentment, as well as an overall improvement in mental health.

In addition to emotional benefits, there are physical benefits to living with cancer as well. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can be used to treat other conditions, such as arthritis or psoriasis. Additionally, some cancer medications can be used to treat chronic pain or depression.

Finally, having a cancer diagnosis can provide individuals with access to support networks and resources that they may not otherwise have had access to. Many organizations provide financial assistance, emotional support, and information on treatment options for those living with cancer. Additionally, support groups are often available to provide social support and guidance throughout the journey of living with cancer.

Living with cancer is not easy, but recognizing the benefits of doing so can help to improve quality of life and wellbeing. The opportunity for personal growth, newfound appreciation for life, physical benefits, and access to support networks are just some of the advantages of having a cancer diagnosis. By learning to recognize these benefits, individuals can gain strength and hope as they face their diagnosis and journey forward.

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Top Common Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:21:42 +0000 Did you know that 86% of people don’t ever check themselves for cancer symptoms? These findings come from

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Did you know that 86% of people don’t ever check themselves for cancer symptoms? These findings come from people worldwide and likely apply to your friends and family too! So if you have no one to monitor your health, you may want to look at this list. It contains the top common cancer symptoms that people ignore despite the fact they could be signs of something serious.

Unexplained Fevers

Fever is one of the most common signs of a severe illness, but many people don’t consider it an issue until they feel hot and sweaty. Fever is often an early symptom of cancer or another severe disease. is a great example of a site that offers you with details about all the betting information you need.

A sudden fever that doesn’t go away after three days or so could be a sign of infection or inflammation in your body — and cancer can cause both of these conditions. See your doctor immediately if you notice this unexplained fever for more than two weeks.

Loss of Appetite or Unintended Weight Loss

Unintentional weight loss is the most common symptom of colon cancer, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). See your doctor if you’ve noticed a sudden drop in your appetite and unexplained weight loss. This could be a sign of cancer or another severe illness.

In some cases, unintentional weight loss is caused by cancer or another severe illness such as heart disease or diabetes. Other times, it’s caused by chronic stress or anorexia nervosa.

Extreme Fatigue that’s not Relieved by Rest

A lack of energy and extreme fatigue are common symptoms of many illnesses, including depression and anxiety disorders. These symptoms persist for weeks or months at a time; however, they may indicate an underlying health issue — especially if other symptoms like weight loss and night sweats accompany them (which they often do).

See your doctor immediately if you’re feeling tired more than usual and can’t seem to kick the fatigue no matter how much sleep you get or how much rest you take during the day. He’ll probably want to rule out other medical conditions before diagnosing cancer. But if he suspects cancer as the cause of your exhaustion, he’ll start treatment immediately so that it doesn’t spread to other parts of your body before it’s caught.

Persistent Cough or Hoarseness

Persistent cough or hoarseness can be a warning sign of lung cancer. A persistent cough may be caused by smoking, chronic bronchitis, or acid reflux. But it’s important to see your doctor if you’ve never smoked, have no other symptoms, and haven’t had a recent cold.

A persistent cough or hoarseness that occurs with weight loss, night sweats, or fatigue may indicate a blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism). This is a severe condition that needs immediate medical attention.

Lumps in the Breast or Elsewhere

Lumps or swelling in these areas could mean you have ovarian cancer or testicular cancer. Ovarian cysts can also cause this symptom, as well as swollen lymph nodes in your neck and armpits, which may indicate Hodgkin’s lymphoma or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

A lump or swelling in the breast is always a cause for concern. The most common reasons are fibrocystic changes, fibroadenoma, and papillomas. However, a lump may be due to cancer.

Fibrocystic changes are not cancerous but can cause tenderness, pain, and swelling. Fibroadenomas are benign lumps that typically occur during adolescence and young adulthood. Papillomas are slow-growing non-malignant tumors found on the nipples of both men and women.

Extreme Itching

Extreme itching is one of the most common symptoms of cancer. It’s prevalent in patients with skin cancers (like basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma), but it can also be a sign of cervical cancer or prostate cancer.

If you’re experiencing extreme itchiness on your skin, mouth, or nose, it could be a sign of an infection like shingles or chickenpox. But if the itching doesn’t go away after a few days, it could also be a sign of cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, a rare form of skin cancer called Merkel cell carcinoma causes extreme itching, often accompanied by blisters and ulcers on the hands and feet. If you notice these symptoms on any part of your body — especially if they appear suddenly — contact your doctor immediately.

Bloody Stool

One of the most common symptoms of colorectal cancer is blood in your stool. This can come in bright red or maroon streaks or spots, which you may see on the toilet paper after wiping, or a more light red color that looks brownish.

It’s important to realize that having blood in your stool is not unusual — especially if you’re over 50 years old. However, if you have blood in your stool and don’t have any other symptoms of colorectal cancer, make an appointment with your doctor anyway. There may be something else going on that could require treatment. Bleeding from your rectum or anus can mean that tumors have grown into blood vessels in those areas.

Changes in Bowel Movements

Abdominal pain or cramping can sometimes be caused by constipation related to bowel changes caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. But there could also be an underlying cause like colorectal cancer or another gastrointestinal disease such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease. Your doctor will likely do tests to determine what’s causing these changes in your bowel movements before diagnosing cancer or another condition that causes similar symptoms.


Cancer can be a scary thing to deal with, but having the correct information on your side can help you identify when something is wrong. It’s important to realize that if you feel a lump or notice any other unusual symptoms, it is vital to have them checked out as soon as possible by your doctor.

No matter what type of cancer you’ve been diagnosed with or are at risk for, there are chances that you can help yourself by exploring how sure signs of cancer can be naturally referred to. A complete understanding of what is happening inside your body is pivotal in preventing the worst results and living a healthy life. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Colon Cancer Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:17:53 +0000 Understanding colon cancer can be a tricky task. How do you know what to look for? Should you

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Understanding colon cancer can be a tricky task. How do you know what to look for? Should you get tested for colon cancer even if there are no symptoms? With more and more people developing colon cancer every year, understanding colon cancer is key to preventing it from progressing into a fatal disease. This article will walk you through everything you need to know so what you do know is correct, precise, and accurate.

What is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is a disease that starts in the colon or rectum. The colon is the last part of your digestive tract, and the rectum is the end of your large intestine.

The colon and rectum are part of your digestive system, which takes food and breaks it down into smaller amounts that can be absorbed into your bloodstream. Colon cancer begins when cells in the lining of the colon or rectum begin to grow out of control. These cells form a mass called a tumor. Tumors may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

A malignant tumor can invade nearby tissues and spread to distant sites in the body through lymph nodes and blood vessels. If not contained by surgery, metastases often lead to death from colon cancer.

What are the Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the United States, but it’s also one of the most preventable. It’s essential to be aware of the symptoms of colon cancer and take action if you think you have it.

Colon cancer symptoms

The symptoms of colon cancer vary by person. Some people don’t have any signs or symptoms until their disease has progressed too far for treatment to be effective. If a doctor finds a polyp during a screening exam, you may not experience symptoms until the polyp turns into cancer or another problem develops from its presence.

Common symptoms include:

  • Blood in your stool (feces)
  • Itching around the rectum or anus
  • Pain in your abdomen or rectum that doesn’t go away after eating or passing stool
  • Change in bowel habits
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating and gas
  • Rectal bleeding (bright red blood)

How is Colon Cancer Diagnosed?

Colon cancer is diagnosed with a combination of tests, including:

Blood Tests

Three main types of blood tests can be used to detect colon cancer:

A blood test called CA19-9 is a good indicator of inflammation in the body and is often elevated in people with colon cancer or polyps. This test is also used to monitor patients who have had surgery for colon cancer.

Anemia (low red blood cell count) may indicate that your intestines are bleeding, which can signify colon cancer.

Cholesterol levels may rise if you have advanced cancer in the small intestine, which can cause blockages that lead to intestinal bleeding.

CT Scan (computed tomography)

A CT scan uses a computer and special X-rays to create images of the inside of your body. The CT scan can show how far cancer has spread and other conditions that may be causing your symptoms.

Your doctor may also order a colonoscopy to check for precancerous growths, polyps, or other abnormalities. This test involves looking at the lining of your colon with a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscopy.

Endoscopy with biopsy

A colonoscopy is an endoscopic procedure to look inside the colon (large intestine). It’s the most effective way to diagnose and prevent colorectal cancer, as well as other conditions of the colon, such as polyps and inflammatory bowel disease.

Colonoscopy is a safe procedure done by a gastroenterologist. The scope is inserted into your rectum, then pushed through the entire length of your colon (about 5 feet long), providing a view of any abnormal tissues along the way. A biopsy may be taken during this procedure if necessary.

Colonoscopy can also help diagnose other gastrointestinal problems such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and hemorrhoids.

Imaging tests

Imaging tests can help find signs of colon or rectal cancer in the body. These include:

  • Ultrasound: Sound waves are used to create pictures of the inside of your body. This test can show any mass changes in your colon or rectal area. It is also helpful in checking for bowel obstructions that may require surgery.
  • Colonoscopy: A long flexible tube (endoscope) with a light and camera on end is inserted into your rectum to look at the lining of your colon and remove small samples (biopsies) for testing if necessary. The procedure typically takes about 30 minutes and requires general anesthesia or sedation so that you’re asleep.

Is Colon Cancer Hereditary?

Colon cancer is not hereditary. But your risk for developing this disease can increase if you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps; you may have an increased risk of the illness. Genetic and lifestyle factors most often cause colon cancer.

The following are some risk factors that can increase your chances of developing colon cancer:

  • Age. Colon cancer is more common in people over age 50.
  • Obesity. People who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of colon cancer and other digestive tract cancers.
  • Family history. Having a parent or sibling with colon cancer increases your chances of developing the disease by three times compared to those without such a family history.
  • Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol in excess can also raise your risk.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Colonoscopy?

It’s a relatively simple procedure, but it can take a few hours to a few days to recover.

You may need to take it easy for a few days after colonoscopy. Most people can return to their normal activities within a day or two.

Call your doctor immediately if you have any bleeding or discomfort after the procedure. You may need pain medicine or antibiotics.

Remembering your colonoscopy appointments is a critical way to keep yourself safe. While most people find the test uncomfortable and inconvenient, it’s worth it. Colon cancer develops slowly and is easily treatable if caught early. However, it can grow so large that it takes over organs in the body and kills a person before they even know something is wrong, so getting screened for the cancer is crucial.

The post Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Colon Cancer appeared first on Cancer Prevention.

10 Ways Technology Is Making Cancer Treatment Better Thu, 11 Aug 2022 13:44:01 +0000 Technology has made cancer treatment easier for doctors and patients alike. Technology advances allow doctors to diagnose cancer

The post 10 Ways Technology Is Making Cancer Treatment Better appeared first on Cancer Prevention.

Technology has made cancer treatment easier for doctors and patients alike. Technology advances allow doctors to diagnose cancer earlier, reduce hospital stays, and improve tumors’ response to treatment. Technology is helping people recover from cancer faster by improving their lives while receiving treatment. 

This article will look at how technology helps make cancer treatment more manageable.

1. X-Ray Machines

Doctors use these devices to test tumors and identify other problems that may be causing pain or other issues. People mainly used X-ray machines for imaging in the past, but now they’re also used in cancer treatment. 

This means that doctors can take a detailed look at how a tumor is growing and how it’s affecting the rest of the body. By doing so, they can better determine how best to treat it.

2. PET Scanners

 PET Scanners are a type of nuclear medicine test that uses radiation to create images of organs or tissues in the body. They detect cancer, monitor responses to treatment, and rule out other diseases.

PET scanning uses a radioisotope (a radioactive chemical) instead of X-rays or other forms of radiation. Radioisotopes emit their energy as photons, which can penetrate tissue easily and leave no harmful residue when interacting with their target.

PET scans image tumors throughout the body and helps doctors determine if cancer cells exist in an organ or tissue. The radioactivity of the radioisotope used in a PET scan is taken up by the tumor and converted into specific compounds that emit light when made into a photographic image. This process allows doctors to see photos of tumors in detail without causing any harm to surrounding healthy tissue.

3. Smartphone Apps

Smartphone apps are an essential part of cancer treatment. They provide caregivers with a way to track the patient’s condition, alert them to potential problems, and help them make decisions about what they can do for their loved ones. The following apps are effective in helping patients manage their conditions:

  1. Families Connected allows caregivers to communicate with each other through text, phone calls and video calls.
  1. CancerCare lets patients keep track of their disease and access information about treatments through an app on their phone or tablet.
  1. Cancer Tracker Lite helps users track their symptoms and medication dosages using a mobile device.
  1. Checkup for Kids provides family members with tools for tracking health conditions and medications in children between the ages of 2-17 who are being treated for cancer.

4. Ultrasound Scans

Ultrasound is a form of non-invasive imaging that uses sound waves to generate an image of the body. It can detect and diagnose many types of cancer, including breast, prostate, lung and colon.

Ultrasounds are painless and highly accurate. Most patients do not even need anesthesia or sedation for their scans. Patients may repeat the scan multiple times to improve the accuracy of the images.

An ultrasound can confirm a patient’s diagnosis of cancer. It can determine any signs of spread in the body, such as lymph nodes that may indicate metastatic disease elsewhere in the body. 

Ultrasound also plays a vital role in helping doctors determine whether a patient responds well to treatment for their cancer (i.e., a cure).

5. Wearable Devices

 A wearable device is a small electronic device worn on the body, often as a medical device. Wearable devices may monitor vital signs and collect and transmit data to a physician. Some wearable devices are used in health care settings to record information and send it to a central location for analysis.

Wearable devices have been used to monitor patients’ vital signs and collect and transmit data to doctors for years. Now, wearable devices are being developed specifically for cancer care. Wearable devices are already used for many other purposes, such as monitoring blood pressure and heart rate during exercise or sleep, collecting information about physical activity levels and providing feedback that helps people improve their performance.

6. Breast Implants With Sensors

 Breast implants are another example of how technology changes how cancer is treated.

While there are many different types of breast implants, some have sensors that detect if a tumor is growing or spreading. The implant then sends an alarm to the patient’s doctor, who can take action immediately.

This is a massive improvement over the current system, requiring patients to return to the hospital every few months for checkups or biopsies. The implants themselves are expensive and require surgery as well. But if doctors could detect changes in the tumor’s size and location remotely and quickly, they could save on costs and time spent on follow-up visits.

7. CTs

CT scans are beneficial for diagnosing certain types of cancer. For example, they can help doctors determine if a patient has lung cancer by showing them how far a tumor has spread and what body parts it affects.

CT scans can also help doctors determine whether a patient should have surgery, chemotherapy, or both as part of their treatment plan. A tiny tumor may not cause any problems for years before it becomes large enough to start causing symptoms again. But if several tumors grow together inside one area — such as in someone’s brain — they could cause problems sooner than expected.

By using CT scans to look at many different parts of a person’s body at once, doctors can see how the various tumors are growing and make sure they know exactly where to cut out any tissue that needs removing.

8. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scans

To identify the type of tumor, doctors use a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. This test uses pulses of powerful magnetic fields and radio waves, which interact with atoms in the body. The MRI machine sends out a sequence of those pulses and records how they affect different tissues. The result is an image showing which tissues are being affected.

The results are more detailed than CT scans because the MRI can capture more tissue. This makes it possible to see small tumors even in areas that were not visible on a CT scan. The MRI lets doctors distinguish between benign and malignant tumors because it captures images at different depths within the body’s tissues.

9. 3D Printers for Making Tumors

3D printing is a process that creates three-dimensional objects from digital models by depositing layers of material, one on top of the other, to create the thing.

The technology allows for the fabrication of prosthetic limbs and to develop tumors for cancer research.

A 3D printer would allow researchers to make tumors more accurately than ever before, taking them out of a Petri dish and placing them in a living patient.

10. VR Simulations for Surgeons

 VR simulations, also known as virtual reality surgery, allow surgeons to practice on a virtual patient before they perform the procedure on a real one.

Virtual reality simulation allows patients to experience what it might be like to undergo a surgery they may have been afraid of due to their symptoms or past surgeries that didn’t go well. Patients can then visualize what it would feel like during and after the procedure.

Technology Is the Future of Everything!

It’s hard to deny the ground-breaking potential of medical tech in cancer treatment, and it’s thrilling to see where it will go in the future. As long as technology improves cancer treatment and general healthcare, the world will continue to get healthier and more sustainable. 

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Top 10 Approved Tips to Help Living with Cancer Thu, 11 Aug 2022 12:19:53 +0000 Did you know that about 10 million people die from cancer yearly? Cancer diagnosis and treatment can be

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Did you know that about 10 million people die from cancer yearly? Cancer diagnosis and treatment can be very frightening and draining. But, even after this hurdle, you must learn how to live as a cancer survivor.

With modern medicine, millions of cancer survivors continue to learn how to live better. One of the best ways is to take steps to control your health. It’s never too early to start. Whether recently diagnosed, going through treatment, or post-treatment, these 10 tips will help boost your health.

1.      Stop smoking

It is very important that you avoid tobacco and also avoid people who are smoking. Stopping smoking and staying clear of secondhand smoke will help you stay healthier and help you avoid getting another type of cancer.

It might seem hard to stop at first but try your level best for the sake of your health. If it becomes quite hard for you, you should seek help from your doctor to help you quit smoking.

2.      Limit alcohol

Drinking can also increase your chance of getting other kinds of cancer. Additionally, when alcohol mixes with some medication during treatment can cause adverse side effects.

Hence alcohol is an unhealthy way to deal with stress that emanates from cancer. Always ask your doctor if it is okay to have a glass or two of wine. However, if you don’t drink, don’t start.

3.      Connect with family and friends

Family and close friends will be very willing to help during this time. Don’t be afraid to accept help, whether running errands or preparing meals to accompany you to your doctor’s appointment. Having a support system is important when you need it.

It is also important that you encourage your family to accept help. A cancer diagnosis affects the family, adding stress to the primary caregivers. Accepting help from neighbors or other friends will go a long way in avoiding burnout for the caregivers.

4.      Eat healthily

It would be best to choose a balanced diet that gives you energy and strength, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean poultry, and fish. Cut back on processed foods, red meat, and high-fat dairy.

While going through treatment, you might need extra protein and calories. However, side effects such as nausea, constipation, and trouble swallowing might make it hard for you to feel the urge to eat. When this arises, it would be best if you talk to your nutritionist or doctor. They will give you the best advice on the best healthy diet changes.

5.      Do things you love

It is easier said than done since you might think that everything has changed when you have cancer. However, this is the perfect time to continue doing all your favorite things, such as casino games or honing your knitting skills. Check the list of great casinos to play at

You must normalize your life after diagnosis, but keep an open mind to changes.

6.      Keep your doctor’s appointment.

Visiting the hospital often might feel like a bad routine. However, it is crucial that you stay in touch with your doctor and not miss any appointments. In doing so, you will know what symptoms to look for and which follow-up screening tests you need.

The appointments are good for you as you can ask questions about how you feel or what to expect. The doctors also monitor your progress and address any points of concern during the routine checkup visits.

7.      Keep a healthy weight

You might have come across cancer patients that have lost a lot of weight during treatment. It arises from not eating due to the effect of eating while on treatment. However, other treatments, especially those associated with hormones like breast or prostate, can lead to weight gain.

Your doctor will advise you on the healthy weight goal for you. Work towards this as advised by the doctor or nutritionist.

8.      Exercise

Being active every day is great for your physical and mental health. Some days, you will not have the strength to exercise, but try as much as possible to keep moving. Exercise improves your balance and makes your muscles stronger.

Set aside 30 minutes daily to walk, swim or slow run. These activities will get your heart pumping and help build your muscles. However, it’s good to talk to your doctor first to be advised on the best exercises and the routine.


9.      Connect with other cancer patients

At times, it might feel as if people who haven’t experienced cancer don’t fully understand how you feel. In such a situation, you must interact and talk to people who have been diagnosed. When you listen to the experiences of other cancer survivors, you get more insights into what to expect during treatment.

There are several cancer support groups that you can join. You can ask around or even find these groups online in your local area. Ask your doctor to guide you to connect to a support group if you have any trouble. In the support groups, you will not only talk about issues, but you can enjoy games and great conversations.

10.  Fight stigma

There are old stigmas that are associated with cancer. For example, some friends may wonder if your cancer is contagious, while colleagues may wonder whether you are healthy enough to work. As a result, some people may withdraw from your circle for fear of saying or asking the wrong questions.

It is good that you know how to address these issues or how to behave while in their company. From how you behave, that’s how your friends will treat you. Additionally, it would be best if you reminded them that even though cancer is a very frightening part of life, they should be afraid to interact with you.


Even though cancer diagnosis and treatment can be a frightening part of life, there is still hope that you can live a long life. Millions of people have made it possible to believe this fact. The mentioned tips will help you feel at ease as you enjoy your life even in a very difficult moment.

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A friend with cancer: how to help? Tue, 05 Jul 2022 11:58:53 +0000 Communicating with someone who has cancer can be a real challenge for those who love them. We are

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Communicating with someone who has cancer can be a real challenge for those who love them. We are afraid to say too much, to be hurtful, or to seem indifferent, and so we may avoid all communication. Tactful support from relatives, however, can significantly ease the emotional state of the person who has learned about the cancer diagnosis.

Words are not always needed to support a loved one in a difficult situation. Sometimes it is enough to hear a person out, let him share the fears, worries, and bad thoughts out loud. Become a person who is willing to listen. Try to give your full attention to what your loved one is saying. It is good if the conversation takes place in a calm, safe environment where the person can let his feelings go without looking at others.

The role of friendship in cancer cure: a remedy

Being treated for cancer is usually a long and exhausting process. It’s important to stay in touch with your loved ones throughout treatment and after it. It is no easy task to reenter society, understand your limitations, accept all that happened and rebuild relationships with tired family and friends. Moral support during the remission period will help the former patient overcome his or her depressive state and adapt to life after treatment more quickly. Leave your loved ones plenty of personal space, but be attentive to their needs.

Try to keep your relationship as casual as possible. Your loved one’s cancer diagnosis should not be the only topic of conversation – discuss your life events, share the news, go for walks or to cafes. Stay true to yourself – so you can show your loved one that, despite all the challenges, your friendship remains the same. is the place where one can find the best tips to help a friend with cancer.

Ways to support a friend who has cancer?

After an emotionally exhausting conversation, you might want to say the usual: “if you need help – call me anytime”. Chances are, you will not be approached, because for many of us it is hard to ask for help. Be specific about what you are ready to do. For example, “Next time you go to the hospital, call me and I’ll give you a ride. 

The severely ill person is trying with all his strength to retain control over his life and his former autonomy. The last thing he wants is to become a burden to his loved ones. It is easier to accept concrete and easy-to-follow offers of help, and, accordingly, they will do more good than simple promises.

How to talk to someone who has cancer

  • There is no single, universal way to communicate with a person who is gravely ill. There are many factors, including psychological characteristics, the person’s character, legal nuances in the country of residence, the person’s religiosity or lack thereof, and a number of others.
  • However, a number of principles can be helpful in dealing with such a patient:
  • 1) Visit the patient.
  • 2) Listen to him or her. Often these patients prefer to talk more than to listen.
  • 3) Be able to hear in symbolic turns of speech the meaning of what the patient may want to convey to you.
  • 4) Avoid talking about how different they look, this includes weight loss or hair loss after chemotherapy. Do not say phrases like “You finally got rid of the unwanted pounds” or “A short haircut suits you much better”.
  • 5) Inappropriate expressions like “You’ve been drinking (smoking, etc.), that’s why you got a tumor,” “You shouldn’t have sunbathed so often,” etc. No one will argue that some tumors are connected to a number of external factors, but in many cases, this connection is not absolute and can cause or intensify the guilt a patient already has. For example, it is known that lung cancer sometimes occurs in people who have never smoked, and conversely, does not develop in heavy smokers.
  • 6) You don’t always need “You’ll get over it,” “You’ll be fine,” etc. A phrase that may help a person at first may cause guilt as the disease progresses because the tumor was “stronger” than it.
  • 7) Take Action. Don’t wait for the sick person to “let you know” that he needs something. Take the initiative: buy groceries, cook dinner, offer to clean the house, take the child to school. You may do some things together if the condition of the sick person allows it: feeling that someone needs you and you can control the events is very important.
  • 8) Do not ask the person to always be cheerful and positive if he is not in a good mood. Instead, tell him and show him that you are with him and will be there for him in any situation.
  • At you can learn a lot about what to say to a friend with cancer. 

What to write to a friend who has cancer
Make sure your friend understands how important he or she is to you. Demonstrate that you still care about your friend, regardless of changes in their abilities or appearance:

Send frequent short messages or text messages or make short frequent phone calls.

Call your friend at a time that is convenient for them. Schedule a time for them to call you.

Respond to their messages as soon as possible.

Consult with the person that helps them with their daily care to see if they need anything else.

There is more about what to write to those with cancer at

What to talk about with a person who has cancer (examples)

When a close friend has cancer, it’s important to be present and express how much you care. Choose a language that is optimistic and encouraging, but does not give people false hope. Discuss the results of other people’s cancer treatments. Remember that each person is unique, and hearing about other people’s experiences can be helpful.

Here are some examples of appropriate expressions.

  • “We will work together to get through this. You don’t fight cancer alone.”
  • “I hope for the best for you.”
  • “I’m here to help you.” Then follow through and show up in person.

Sometimes the help of friends is not enough. In this case, you can recommend a psychologist to your friend; service can help you with this. You can leave an inquiry and find a specialist on any topic on this site.

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Foods safety tips during cancer treatment. Mon, 06 Jun 2022 11:58:28 +0000 Six Foods safety tips to prevent foodborne illness during cancer treatment. Did you know that there are over

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Six Foods safety tips to prevent foodborne illness during cancer treatment.

Did you know that there are over 48 million cases of foodborne illnesses reported in the US each year? Foodborne illnesses usually occur within one to three days after eating a contaminated food and symptoms may include abdominal pain and diarrhea, as well as body aches and fevers. So if you eat a food that contains a harmful bacteria, such as E. coli or salmonella, your immune system may not recognize and eliminate that bacteria as easily during your cancer treatment. Consequently, you could become very sick. Preventing a foodborne illness is important.

How to minimize your risk of developing a foodborne illness by following six food safety tips ?

1. Foods safety tip – wash your hands.

wash your hands

And at least 50% of foodborne illnesses could be prevented by proper hand washing. So make sure that you wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands throughout the day, including after using the bathroom and playing with your pets. And avoid spreading bacteria by washing your hands after handling food and during meal preparation, especially when handling raw meats and produce.

2. Food Safety tip – rinse fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables.

Rinse both fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables under running water, as they may carry harmful bacteria from harvesting or transport from farm to grocer. So make sure that you rent all fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, including those with edible skins, rinds and peels. For example, apples, peppers, oranges and bananas can be eaten as long as you’ve rinsed them first. Rinse leafy greens in a salad spinner and rinse fresh and frozen berries in a colander. Even rinse bags spinach or lettuce or salads that are labeled pre washed or double triple washed. Scrubbed from produce like potatoes and cantaloupes with a clean vegetable brush. Store bought fresh juices are safe to drink as long as the container says heat treated. Don’t eat any raw sprouts like alfalfa sprouts or bean sprouts. And don’t eat any raw fresh fruits or vegetables that are prepared outside of your home. That means don’t buy pre cut fresh fruits and vegetables. And don’t eat raw fruits and vegetables from restaurants or someone else’s home. Only eat cooked.

3. Food safety tip – cook meats and eggs to proper temperature.

Be sure that fully cook meats and eggs as the cooking process can destroy harmful bacteria found in raw meats and raw eggs. Fully cooked meats such as beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish and seafood, to proper temperature. The Food and Drug Administration or the FDA has a helpful chart available on their website that provides the safe minimum internal temperatures to follow for different food types. Make sure to cook eggs so the yolks and the whites are firm, not runny. They don’t eat any raw sushi oysters or ceviche. And don’t eat any runny egg yolks or raw eggs like in some salad dressings or raw cookie dough.

4. Food Safety tip – avoid unpasteurized dairy products.

Pasteurization is the process of heating liquids or foods to destroy bacteria and other contaminants. In the grocery store are for pasteurized dairy products, like milk and cheese. Look at the ingredient list the dairy product container and make sure that it says “Made with pasteurized milk”. To store all dairy products at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the refrigerator or the freezer. And don’t drink raw milk or eat raw cheese unless heated like in a hot drink or a casserole.

5. Food Safety tip – prevent cross contamination.

We want to prevent cross contamination which means spreading unwanted bacteria from one surface to another. When grocery shopping separate raw meats from all other items in your grocery cart, in your grocery bags and in your refrigerator when you get home. Use different cutting boards prepare meats and produce or thoroughly wash your cutting board with hot water and soap between uses. Don’t clean your kitchen surfaces with a cloth towel, use a clean paper towel instead.

6. Food safety tip -refrigerate foods and leftovers.

refrigerate foods and leftovers

Bacteria tends to grow more in a warm, moist environment. To prevent this, refrigerate your foods and leftovers promptly. Refrigerate perishable foods such as meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, produce and leftovers within one to two hours of cooking or purchasing. Defrost foods like meat some leftovers in the refrigerator. Leftovers are fine to eat as long as you eat them within three days. Or you can freeze leftovers within three days and eat them later. And don’t leave milk and other refrigerator items on the kitchen counter for several hours – refrigerate them.

In summary

During cancer treatment, your immune system may not be as strong as it usually is. So it may have a harder time fighting off a foodborne illness. Therefore it’s important to follow these six tips to ensure food safety. And remember to wash your hands throughout the day with soap and water. Thoroughly rinse fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. Fully cooked meats too well done, eggs so that they’re not running. Avoid unpasteurized dairy products. Prevent cross contamination. And finally, keep foods in the refrigerator that belong in the refrigerator.

Please note that your physician may have more personalized recommendations for you. If you would like a printable food safety guide, or you’d like to learn more about the oncology nutrition program please visit our website.

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Breast cancer in men what is it? Thu, 05 May 2022 11:40:00 +0000 Breast cancer in men is really uncommon, but not so uncommon that we shouldn’t talk about it. About

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Breast cancer in men is really uncommon, but not so uncommon that we shouldn’t talk about it. About one in 100 People with breast cancer are men. The risk factors for breast cancer in men are: getting older, as with women, a family history, including and particularly a mutation in the BRCA to gene. Other factors include larger breast size, that can be due to multiple things, it can be due to problems or abnormalities in development of the testes, for example, with a syndrome called Klinefelter syndrome.

Doctors can also see it with some medications. So some men are on medications that cause enlargement of the breast. And a lot of men are embarrassed about this, but screening for breast cancer is something to consider and talk about with your doctor if you have enlarged breasts. People with liver problems can get in large breasts as well. In fact, in many mammography suites, they have a whole separate section for men, who are getting mammograms to follow up breast abnormalities or who get screening. So it’s not that odd.

Couple of things that are different about breast cancer in men compared to women. One thing is that ductal carcinoma is almost exclusively what doctors see in men. So lobular carcinoma, which is about 5% or so of breast cancer in women is very rare in men. Why would that be? Well, that men’s breasts don’t generally form lobules. So lobular breast cancer is less common. You can also be seen in men, but it’s pretty uncommon to catch that. Because usually we catch does ductal carcinoma in sight you on mammogram and men are generally not getting mammograms.

So how doctors find breast cancer in men?

Well, the most common thing they seen is a lump in the breast. This is not a symmetric mass or thickening, but it’s actually a breast abnormality. One thing to know is that men don’t even know they can get breast cancer in many cases. So they may not call their doctor, they may not get seen for the lump, partly because of embarrassment. And also because they just don’t know that they can get breast cancer. There are quite a few people diagnosed with breast cancer, who were being seen for another problem. For example, they were going to have a surgery. And as part of their pre surgery examination, their breast cancer was found. So it’s fairly common that a breast cancer in men will be picked up in a way we generally don’t see in women that might be part of your story.

How do treating breast cancer in men?

Generally the same way we do in women so surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and even chemotherapy. So surgery because most men don’t have large enough breasts to have a breast conserving procedure usually consists of removal of all the chest tissue in the breast area. So most men with breast cancer will have a mastectomy. As with all breast cancer, doctors like to look at the lymph nodes or the glands under the arm involved with cancer. That’s part of staging determining what stage the cancers, which helps us determine how best to treat the breast cancer.

So after surgery, if additional treatment for the breast area, chest wall area and lymph node areas needed, that would be done with radiation therapy. Doctors generally do that and people who have positive margins where the cancer wasn’t completely cleared and the chest wall area with surgery, and also, radiation to the lymph node area. If the lymph nodes had cancer in them, that’s not always the case.

Most breast cancer in men is positive for the estrogen receptor. So hormone receptor breast cancer that has the estrogen and or the progesterone receptors, doctors use anti hormonal therapy, like tamoxifen, or the aromatase inhibitors, what works trying to do is block any estrogen in your body. And yes, men have estrogen to from getting to any residual or leftover cancer cells elsewhere in your body. So that’s how tamoxifen works and then even though you’re a man, or your family member or friend is a man, we want to block any production of estrogen by other tissues in the body, particularly in men, the fat cells. So estrogen is made by ovaries and women, and by other tissues like the adrenal glands and the fat in our body, we can shut that production of estrogen off which can sort of start any tumors left elsewhere in the body. So just to recap, surgery, maybe radiation therapy, and then anti estrogen therapy.

Doctors use chemotherapy and people whose tumors are larger, and involve the lymph nodes. And as with everybody, chemotherapy is always your choice. Make sure you understand why you’re getting chemotherapy, what the benefit is, and what the side effects might be. Chemotherapy in general causes fatigue, hair loss, sometimes nausea, were really good at controlling that.

blood analisys for better cancer treatment

The other thing to consider in male breast cancer is looking at your family history and seeing if getting tested for an inherited susceptibility or for hereditary breast cancer is a good idea. Why would this matter? Well, it can help to doctors identify risk in your other family members and if you have an inherited mutation, they also have a new type of treatment called PARP inhibitors. But this is a newer therapy that works specifically in people who have an inherited gene from either side of their family that increase their risk of breast cancer.

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Factors that lead to cancer Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:38:24 +0000 Risk is the probability of an event happening. When it comes to cancer, risk often refers to the

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Risk is the probability of an event happening. When it comes to cancer, risk often refers to the likelihood of getting cancer.

Cancer has the second highest mortality rate in the world. Every year the trend in the number of people falling ill is progressive. In the last 10 years the rate has risen by 40%. This demonstrates the effectiveness of early diagnosis or the frightening spread of cancer.

Researchers and doctors apply the concept of risk to monitor the health of many people. One example is the risk of developing a malignancy from tobacco use. It has long been known that smoking increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Using this knowledge, the World Health Organisation (WHO) adopted the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2003.

The concept of risk factors

Various factors affect a person’s health throughout their life. These can be internal factors, such as a mutation in one of the genes that determines the production of an enzyme. External factors have a physical effect, such as ultraviolet or ionising radiation, or a biochemical effect, such as sugar intake and others.

If an influencing factor in a part of the human population causes the development of a certain disease, it is called a risk factor for that disease. For example, excessive exposure of a person to UV radiation from the sun can lead to the development of skin cancer. But this raises important questions: how to determine who develops skin cancer and who does not, and after what time we can expect to get it. To simplify the answers to these questions, the concept of relative risk has been introduced in medical statistics. It is used in a study on a person’s exposure to a factor. Test subjects are divided into two groups, one of which is affected by an external or internal environmental factor and the other is not. The increase in the number of cases of disease after a certain time in the group affected by the risk factor gives us a relative risk value.

For example, scientists studied lung cancer mortality in British male doctors. Of 34,000 doctors, 441 died of lung cancer.

The group of smokers who died of lung cancer was 14 times the group of non-smokers. Hence, the relative risk of a male doctor who uses cigarettes is 14 times higher than that of a non-smoker.

The external exposure factor studied in this study (smoking) can now be identified as a risk factor for developing death from lung cancer in men. And this risk factor has a definite value of 14.0.

It is important to know what risk factors you have and discuss them with your doctor. This will help you to adjust some areas of your life and improve your health. This information will also help your doctor decide whether genetic testing and consultation with a geneticist is appropriate.

Common risk factors for cancer are:

older age;

-previous cancerous disease;

-having had cancer in a blood relative;




-certain types of viral infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV);

-certain chemicals;

-ionising radiation, including the sun’s UV rays.

By avoiding smoking, drinking alcohol, controlling excess weight and avoiding extensive sunburn, you stop exposure to these risk factors.

Conclusions and factors of cancer

The factors of cancer development are constantly being researched by scientists. No cure has yet been found for this dreaded disease. Millions of people hear the diagnosis every year. Half of them cannot be cured, due to late detection of the disease in stages 2, 3 and 4. Any factors of cancer must be taken with a degree of individual responsibility for one’s health. Known tenets about diet, bad habits are ignored by many people, including the need to protect oneself from UV radiation. Despite the logical factors of cancer, people continue to smoke, consume alcohol and eat a poor diet. The main factors in the development of cancer can be eliminated and lifestyle adjustments can be made. This will help to reduce the risk of developing malignant tumours and increase the chances of survival for those already struggling with the diagnosis.

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