Chemotherapy is a way of treating cancer by taking chemical anti-tumor drugs. Chemotherapy is prescribed in two cases:
- Before surgery.
- After surgery.
Before surgery, chemotherapy is given to stop the growth of the tumor. The most effective way is to take medications that stop the growth of the tumor and help shrink its size. When the tumor is smaller, it is easier for oncologic surgeons to operate to remove it without damaging neighboring tissues.
Chemotherapy after surgery is prescribed in almost all cases to destroy the remaining cancer cells in the patient’s body. If the residual cancer cells are not removed, there is a high risk that the tumor will recur.
Chemotherapy may also be prescribed when it is necessary to enhance the effect of other treatments or to reduce the chance of a recurrence of the disease.
Chemotherapy may be given as pills and capsules, as well as intravenous injections. The method of chemotherapy and the number of courses is prescribed by the attending specialist. Therapy at the TomoClinic is carried out on a day hospital under the supervision of doctors. For cancer treatment, they use gentle medications from leading Western pharmaceutical companies. Thanks to the high quality of the medication, the risk of side effects is minimized. The use of medications and procedures gives the patient a chance to avoid a relapse.