Breast cancer in women is one of the key topics in modern oncology, due to the steady increase in the incidence of breast cancer and the still high mortality rate. Difficulties in treatment of triple-negative cancer, possibilities of treatment of both early and metastatic breast cancer, based on clinical recommendations and the latest developments and research in the field of drug treatment of breast cancer (new combinations, new drug options, targeting and immunotherapy) in early forms and metastatic cancer. Peculiarities of the tolerability of these regimens and possible help from specialists in the field, how to help these patients in the community.
To inform physicians of various related specialties and level out fears in the care of cancer patients after various methods of treatment of breast cancer, such as chemo-, hormone-, immune- and targeted therapy, as well as remote gamma therapy.
To educate physicians about local cancer care options, palliative and symptomatic care.
To acquaint doctors with the algorithm of examination and treatment, to equip them with knowledge that will help their patients to cope with breast cancer.
And also to illuminate questions of psychological help to the patient and relatives in the absence of specialized psychotherapeutic and psychological departments or specialists in institutions at the place of residence.
Seminar Objective:
To acquaint general practitioners, obstetrician-gynecologists, surgeons, diagnosticians, and novice oncologists with the theoretical foundations of oncologic mammology and to prepare with the encounter with the diagnosis of breast cancer in the daily practice of non-specialized primary care.
Workshop Objectives:
To educate physicians to prevent, recognize, suspect, and confirm the diagnosis of breast cancer, and to introduce breast cancer treatment options.